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cattle-lac makes the difference

With Cattle-Lac Liquid feed, you get the best bang for your buck! With our full product line, you can supplement your cattle day and night. Don’t miss out on this great opportunity!

Protein Tubs

CATTLE-LAC liquid supplements help farmers get the very most out of their valuable pasture land. The CATTLE-LAC supplement actually stimulates beneficial bacteria in the cattle rumen, allowing the animal to break down grass roughage faster and easier. Our protein tubs make delivery of healthy cattle feed a cinch. Always fillable and sometimes portable, our tubs make it easy to keep your cattle healthy.

Power Lix 30Contact a Dealer

Mineral Supplements

CATTLE-LAC offers a variety of mineral supplements to guarantee your cattle are getting their daily supply of nutrients. Keeping cattle healthy and well-fed is our goal and we hope that we can make it that much easier for you. Contact a dealer today to start feeding your herd the right way.

HLS Mineral Energy SupplementFly Buster PlusContact a Dealer

Fly Control

Fly control products help prevent harmful damage to your cattle and encourages disease resistance through pest prevention. At CATTLE-LAC, we carry a number of fly control products to promote healthier cows

Fly Buster PlusJustiFLY Feedthrough

*JustiFLY available as 360g mineral additive, 2.5 lb Liquid feed additive, or 5 lb liquid feed additive

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CATTLE-LAC now offers a full line of herbicides for commercial and agricultural use. Keep your cows’ environment clean by maintaining healthy plant growth and putting down refuse. With superior results and without inhibiting feeding, our herbicides are the obvious choice for raising beefy cattle. Contact a CATTLE-LAC dealer today to get your product.

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Custom Blending, Manufacturing, Formulating

CATTLE-LAC now offers custom blended high-quality feed to give your cattle a well balanced diet free of by prodcuts. We formulate and manufacture our feed at our headquarters in Munster, Texas. Contact a CATTLE-LAC dealer today to get your product.

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Custom Feed Mill Mixes

CATTLE-LAC liquid supplements help farmers get the very most out of their valuable pasture land. The CATTLE-LAC supplement actually stimulates beneficial bacteria in the cattle rumen, allowing the animal to break down grass roughage faster and easier. The cattle then eat more grass, which means a healthier, heavier animal. The bottom line is that farmers who feed CATTLE-LAC supplements get the maximum amount of meat per acre of pasture.

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Organic, All Natural Mix

CATTLE-LAC Liquid Cattle feed uses an exclusive homogenizing process to ensure that the feed will stay mixed. CATTLE-LAC contains nutritious ingredients blended in pure cane “blackstrap” molasses. We use organic proteins in the proper balance with non-protein nitrogen to assure the highest utilization of feedstuffs is formulated to eliminate urea toxicity.

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